Very advanced age and filled with the approaching robot. Even in Japan, now there are two robots that have similarities to human appearance. Two robots are each named Kodomorid and Otonaroid.
Kodomoroid is a robot with a similar appearance to a young woman. Meanwhile Otonaroid have the appearance of design is not much different than an adult woman. Both of the robot is also currently have on display at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo, Japan.
Kodomoroid is a robot with a similar appearance to a young woman. Meanwhile Otonaroid have the appearance of design is not much different than an adult woman. Both of the robot is also currently have on display at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo, Japan.
Both of these robots do not only have the design look like a human. The robots also have the ability to move and even speak. Not only that, this sophisticated robots are also able to throw a joke to his interlocutor.
Japanese robotics expert Hiroshi Ishiguro which is also the creator of both the robot and it said that Kodomorid Otonaroid have the ability to display emotions. Both robot that can display different facial expressions and can also wink.
To make this second robot, Ishiguro has spent a very long time. To make zoom, Ishiguro uses silicon that has tamplan khsusu similar to human skin and is useful for covering the electronic components of the robot.
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