Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

Mystery Stone ICA- Peru

In the northern plains of Nasca, Peru, there is a village called ICA who has a rock museum. Inside the museum displayed over 10,000 various mysterious stone engraved image, a large number of images that hard to believe, is a listed ancient human civilization so advanced that had been destroyed, the pictures of these stones is called a rock inscription ICA. 

According to local media reports, rocks are engraved the pictures stored in the museum began to be found on a large scale when the dam on the river breached the ICA. The engraved images on rock include galactic space, ancient animals, the land of prehistoric, ancient and terrible disaster a few scratches other categories. 

According to the prediction of rare stones collected may have been thousands of years of history. Relevant experts has conducted chemical tests on the stone, and the results showed that the stones are from local rivers and the Andes Mountains of stone, its surface covered with a layer of oxide. Having determined the materials by German scientists concluded that the former is carved on the stone has a very long history, and the stone found around the caves, there are fossils of organisms millions of years ago. 

By scientists, men of ancient carvings on stone is called "geological nation", according to the observations of the carved stone images, they have a very advanced civilization. On top of the rock carvings depicted on organ transplant surgery, blood transfusions, telescopes, medical equipment, people are pursuing dinosaurs and other sights scientifically unexplainable by modern science. 

In drawing these stones, people can see clearly the atmosphere of human life along with dinosaurs and judging from the picture, the comparison with human postures depicted dinosaurs are not much different, like a pet dinosaur, or perhaps an animal that is tamed people at that time. According to scientists, that dinosaurs are extinct since hundreds of millions of years ago, but it is disconcerting is how humans can coexist with the giant dinosaurs? 

There is a stone carved with a Triceratops. The dinosaur looks very similar to the rhino, named after the three horns on his head, a man riding on the back of the Triceratops, grasp her hand weapons such as axes. And on the other stone, looks a man are riding on the backs of dinosaurs. In addition, on a rock engraved an image, a man who panicked looks chased by a Tyrannosaurus Rex. 

In addition, according to the narrative owner is Dr. Javier Cabrera, geological nation know that in distant galaxies contained a high level of life, they have a great space technology, does not need to wear an energy source known to modern man, but it can travel between planets. 

In the museum, there are some images that depict the earth 13 million years ago that is visible from space. There are 4 pieces of the picture on the carving just like a map of the world, and according to some experts, the land depicted on these maps is the ancient land, which until now is still a mystery that is the land of Atlantis, in the ancient documents found there is also a picture of the ancient land drowned. Having determined the ingredients by geologists proved, that the four stones indeed a map of the world at 13 million years ago, even very precise and accurate. 

In the eye of the carved stone images, the nation's geological control of high medical technologies, such as large brain transplants, as well as how to cope with rejection reactions in organ transplantation process, and the application of new technologies in modern medicine began. One image is engraved in stone depicting the separation and collection of bubbles in a circle shaped object fetus of pregnant women, and menginjeksinya into the patient's body that await transplantation. 

In stone carving is also depicted on the akuputur anesthesia technology in medical operations. also there are stones carved on gene genetics. 

Even more unique, multiple images on the same stone carving with a giant picture on the plains of Nasca, thousands of pieces of coral shape this work who, and what it meant, until now remains a mystery, however, whether a line or shape the stones there ICA connection with stone carvings, can not be proved.

Natural First Night in the Grave

How is the atmosphere of the first night in the grave ... How kedasyatan torment ...? What sins that cause grave torment ...? How kaedah pick up the most beautiful death ...? 

"Every animate definitely tasted death, O soul calm, Return kehadrat your God with joy and diredhai, enter the assembly of my servants, and included as part of my heaven ..." 

On that day he was so happy, enjoying the natural beauty of God's creation, with the child and family, full of joy, the pleasure of life and life is assured, laughing at telatah her ​​children, so she was ridiculed by her children ... then suddenly he approached by one night, the night when he was picked up by his death ... 

Breathe his deathbed

"And the coming of death's door that's right ... That's what you always run away from him ... trumpet is blown implementation Threat Today ... Every soul comes with the angels as witnesses ... Really we neglect this fact ... So we disclose kakitanganmu, on that day until your vision becomes clear "(Qaf: 19-22). 

That night the first night he was in his own grave ... condemned by the silence, no kids and a wife / husband is also a close friend ... there is just charity ... this is the first night of our children be fatherless, and his wife / husband we become a widow / widower ... first night were evicted from fluffy bed to the cold of the ground covered in shrouds ... this evening we drive out of the mansion and a magnificent .. occupies the grave dark and narrow ... kelmarin night we were still partying, eating and drinking with sidekick ... suddenly we entered on the first night where we are nourished earthworms and insects ... on this night we only made ​​aware of .. it turns out ... PROPERTY, FAMILY, WORK hard we seek to neglect of the remembrance of God ... not at all rather than all of it to accompany and defend us ... 

Allah says, "boast-megahan have neglected you, until you get into the grave, do so, soon you will know what you've done" (At-Takatsur: 1-3)

This is the first episode of the night hereafter, the grave should be a park heaven, otherwise it may be a hole of pits of hell ... here's death came suddenly ... she came just in time ... not slow and not fast ... meragut by force, eliminate all the blessings of the world .. never judge us young or old, rich or poor, councilors or sick ... he came to remove the human from the natural life as we live .. know the strong and stately homes will not be able to fortify the arrival of the executioners lives ... 
The amount of money in the bank is not able to give the Angels rasuah to delay the time of his death ... death ... here's the reality we face already bersiapkah first night ... Is not no Prophet said: "A wise person is that was always the remembrance of death among you, and there bekalan after his death. . "Let us prepare penyinar bekalan to be in the grave later ... for the sake of God, no one could explain it, but with faith and pious charity ..
Pick Method Death ... 
"Death is the best advice and the teacher of life, we are unaware of a little sake only think of death, then we will lose the best teachers in life" 
Indeed, humans have to choose how to end his life ... and that choice is in how he lives his life ... as he lives his life like that's the end of her death ... to live a life true indulge bererti we're heading in the death of us ... 
Have we heard the news of the adulterers to death in the hotel over the abdomen katil her partner ... a collector bye die when suck ... and dead gamblers gambling on the table ... so do we have heard experts worship sejadahnya die on the mat ... 
It would be unfortunate, when death arrives we still smeared with sin wrapped in harsh ... this is our first night in the grave ... alone, in a dark deserted dibble never imagined ... it is gone ... all the glitter WORLD ... HOUSE labored many years have we wake ... WIFE / HUSBAND and so sincere devotion ... cHILD, on which our own flesh ... pARENTS are bead affection .. flowing in our bodies ... and WORK, which bermati desperately we spend time with her ... lUXURY TRAIN is always a source of pride ... but now the day has gone ... gone ... no time left ... just the sin that continues to haunt ... 
Remembering ... will WIFE / HUSBAND who was always denied their rights ... CHILD, we have polluted the body of a living HARAM ... PARENTS, which in the rest of his life have not been dibahagiakan ... sidekick, who asked for help we allow ... and friends, that we have a lot of disappoint ... 
Yes GOD, there masihkah thine day for me ... so that I may lunaskan affairs ... unpaid indebtedness TRUST and CONFIDENCE ... many that are not delivered ... thousands PROMISE often denied ... and WANG RASUAH, which we enjoy and we have to ... but now, DOOR-​​MU ... already closed ... it was too late to repent, feel sorry for myself has not bererti ... and lived to bear the burden of sin and unforgivable ERROR ... lONG sUFFERING feel endless ... nOW, OFF is there in our hearts as ADVISORY .. ??? Hopefully while there is still time ... 
Natural-phase phase Bury 
Narrow grave, the question of angels, doom or favors the grave, soul and resurrection placed ... 
The grave is a natural intermediary of the life world and the next that starts after death and ends after the resurrection ... during this time, a believer is happy ... while unbelievers feel miserable ... the dead will be squeezed by the grave ... anyone kafir or a Muslim he would feel the crush of the grave ... infact penyimpitan perceived a believer does not last forever, not like the pagans who will quest to crush his grave destroyed his bones ... 
As the words of the Prophet: "Verily, the tomb has a crush, if there are people who survived it, then selamatlah Sa'ad bin Mu'adh ..." Sa'd bin Mu'adh will experience the crush of the grave, and he was a leader in all her glory death shake 'Throne, opened for him the gates of heaven, Kasyahidannya witnessed by 70 thousand angels ... 
Hadith narrated by Nasa'i of the Prophet Muhammad: "His death shook the 'Throne, opened for him the gates of heaven, which a lot of doors, Martyrdom witnessed by 70 thousand angels, then indeed he had a crush grave, then God melapangkanya." 
When Sa'ad bin Mu'adh a great leader, servant Alah pious and die a martyr get to experience the crush of the grave ... what about us ..? Allahuakhbar ... Ya Allah Accept my repentance ... deliver me from the punishment of the grave ... 
Prophet Muhammad said: "A man when he is placed in his grave and his companions turned back while he heard the sound of their sandals two angels will come to him and sit him and ask ... WHO IS YOUR GOD ... ?, WHO IS YOUR PROPHETS ... ?, WHAT IS YOUR RELIGION ...? ... he replied, GOD IS MY ... GOD IS pROPHET MUHAMMAD ISLAM IS MY RELIGION ... MY ... 
A voice calls from the sky, "Yes .. my servant mat spread out for him from heaven, and the winds and fragrant heaven came to him later expanded tomb covering the eye could see, a handsome come with him, which is no other than that solehnya charity." (Hadith reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Hakim and Bayhaqi). 
... Are we allowed to answer ...? Of oral rarely mentions his asthma ... and worship that we often underestimate ... And Sunnah Rasul ... that we ignore ... at that time ... we are only able to answer ... NO ... NO ... 
A voice came from heaven ... and my servant caller is a liar ... Spread her mat of hellfire, opened for him the doors of hell, a hell of heat and dryness came ... Bury narrowed to broken bones ... an ugly dress ugly and stink coming to him ... That no another charity that bad ... 
Tragedy ... Siksa Bury 
"Aisha Ra asked about the doom of the grave, the Prophet replied: Yes, there certainly doom the grave." (HR. Bukhari - In the book of Al-Janaiz). 
"Aisha narrated Ra bahawa Prophet prayed in solatnya," O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the grave ... "(HR. Mutafaqun Alaih). 
"When people are derhaka to God is not able to answer the question of angels, and then he was hit with an iron ... until he cried out with a very loud screams ... heard by all creatures of God, but Jin and Man," (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).
Time for us to watch ... the real events of the punishment of the grave in force in the Arabian Peninsula ... A young man removed from his grave after he was buried a few hours ... As a result of experiencing the punishment of the grave, the young man has changed the face and body ... The young man is a Muslim teenager who died at age 18 year ... a young man who rosak morality and religion ... and often neglect prayer ... nearly three (3) hours the boy was buried, the family asked that the grave was originally dug for a specific purpose ... 

And what happens after the bodies were removed ... the views are very shameful ... The hair is black to white ... From the mouth and nose bleeding are still solid red ... like new torture tomb very hard ... like nothing dibahagian hitting back of her head ... with a face such dilemas and freeze. 
For a Muslim ... this is teaching a very, very valuable to immediately improve his life ... to repent of the sins that have been made ... 
Meanwhile ... as a teaching and iktibar for us ... 
The sound of screams of millions of humans in nature of the earth ... in a pit that was in Siberia ... Dr. Azzacove together herd has conducted a study of the movement of the earth in Siberia, Russia ... then they put a magnifying tool supersensitive to hear the sound of the movement of the earth sound ... a very surprising discovery, when the diggers arrive at one of the belly / skin of the earth ... space / nature of the planet, the human voice is very loud berteriakan in pain ... even the sound of the scream is not a number but thousands and even millions of people ... as a Muslim we would not hesitate again bahawa voice is the voice of men being tortured in the grave ... 
Causes of Torture Tomb ... 
Ibn Qoyyim rahimahullah, in the book Ar-Ruh says there are some sins and immorality that can cause us to be tortured in the grave, including: 
1. Neglect Solat 
2. Read the Koran and then forget about it 
3. No purification after throwing a small impurity 
4. Say a lie 
5. Do not pay zakat 
6. The life style is exaggerated 
7. Eating usury 
8. Rasuah 
9. Defamatory fellow Muslim brothers 
10. treasonous against the mandate 
11. Reluctant to help fellow Muslims 
12. Drinking wine 
13. fornicate 
14. Killing 
"O son of Adam ... Actually what you ask of me ... and do you expect from me ... Mercy Me you are asked for and not for those who are reluctant to ..." 
"O son of Adam ... Though your sins petala whole sky ... then you ask forgiveness of Me ... Me Forgiveness for you and not for those who are reluctant to ..." 
"O son of Adam ... If you come to me with an error measuring the earth ... then you have come to me ... and do not shirk at me with something else ... What I would give to you for forgiveness ..." 
Ya Allah ... Ya Allah accept taubatku ... ... accept taubatku ... Oh God ... please accept taubatku ... 

How happy we picked ... if death was in tears taste the sweetness of faith in prostration servitude ... will miss the encounter with Him ... 
How beautiful are always tears tears of a child pious supplications to God ... Missed the glory and the salvation of his parents ... his prayer sprinkling of light that illuminates the darkness of the grave ... 
His prayers deliver his parents return to God in Husnul Khatimah ... moans and munajatnya be solid as a barrier fortress of doom and punishment of the grave ... Prayer is not interrupted flow of sincerity and silence her heart to the love of God in ... 
1. The Book of Ar-Ruh: Ibn Qoyyim, 
2. The Book of Al-Janaiz: Imam Bukhari, 
3. Book Awwalu Lailatin Fil Qobr: Dr. Aidh Al-Qorni, 
4. The Spectacle Of Death: Khwaja Muhammad Islam, 
5. Grave Punishment: Al-Sunna.

This is what Happens to the Body in Nature Grave

Indeed, the bodies in the graves will pass through several phases of change, and this is the phases since the first night into the grave until 25 years later.

first night

On the grave of decay begins at the stomach and pubic area. Subhanallah, abdomen and genitalia are the two most important things that our children and grandchildren Adam and keep wrestled each other in the world. Two of intent, which is that Allah Almighty make people lose money in the world will rot on his first night in the cemetery. After that, the bodies begin to change color to green-black. After a variety of makeup and beauty tools make it have a variety of charms, then the human body will only have one color only.

  Second night

At the cemetery, members of the body begin to decay as the spleen, liver, lungs and stomach.

  day Three

At the cemetery, members of the body start it mengeluatkan foul stench.

  Thereafter week

The face is starting to look bloated, two eyes, both oral and cheeks.

  After 10 days

Keep decomposition occurs at this time the members of the body, abdomen, stomach, spleen ..

  After 2 Weeks
Hair began to fall

  After 15 Days

Green flies began to smell a rat from a distance of 5 km, and the caterpillars began to cover her entire body

After 6 Months

What remains is only the framework of bones.

After 25 Years

Framework of this body will turn into a kind of seed, and in the seeds, we will find a very small bones called 'ajbudz dzanab (coccyx). From the bones, that we will be raised by Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgment.

  This is the body which we watch. This is the body that we are sinner to God with her. Therefore, do not let us past the age of these bodies in vain, because he'll get what you have mentioned.

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

Actually the figure of "Anonymous",   World Famous Hacker

       In this world famous hacker's activity is as popular as his. They usually hack websites for many reasons. Usually they also leave a message depending on the purpose. There are many famous hackers in the world is one of them known as Anonymous.

Actually who Anynymous this? figure is already very popular in the world. It turns out that this figure is not in the form of a single person but a group of hackers active or activist hacker who has a cool name "hacktivist". So what makes this group popular?

In terms of appearance, this group is much different from other hacker groups. The hackers who get into this group has a very distinctive! Performances are special and unique. Their original identity is maintained in confidence while hacking activities of this group is very active.

Various sites and magazines designate this group as a group of hackers who most influential in the world. Display them unique to the Anonymous mask. The named Guy Fawkes mask or V for Vendeta. This mask has become a hallmark of this group.

          Appearances Anonymous 

This world famous hackers have a mask with features like face design uses, has a beard and mustache, smiling face and always cheerful, and cheeks are painted red like a shy person. This mask has become a hallmark of Anonymous, which is more like a face mask mime performer.

In addition to the mask, the clothes were already typical. Anonymous will always appear with a formal suit and tie, rather wear a tuxedo complete with tie. It looks very neat and the colors used are usually black and white.

An organization usually has the symbol as well as their ini.Lambang group Anonymous Guy Fawkes masks and two crossed swords beneath. There are many speculations about this symbol.

Images of Guy Fawkes in the emblem is a form of identity. This mask is very dominating symbol. Two sword symbolizes the attitude of resistance, means Anonymous is always ready to fight or go to war in cyberspace. They are ready to rip off in all directions. The dominance of the color black is typical of this group dar.

           Activity Anonymous 

Actually Anonymous activity is a form of resistance that is done to ensure freedom of speech on the internet. they do not like the government to block a lot of information. The aim is told by a spokesman for the group called the Guardian.

This world famous hackers have done some activity. Their attacks can be very large as 10,000 attacks against Israeli sites. This is a number that is staggering. Hundreds and thousands of websites in China and India has also been hacked by the group Anonymous is.

There are still many activities of this group to any of his sometimes tangled case law since proven guilty in court. Recently, a tapper Anonymous sentenced to ten years in prison.

Getting more MaDLeeTs Hacker Group

Last night, some netizens in Indonesia stated that Google.co.id page has been attacked by a hacker group called MaDLeeTs. This incident was considered quite shocking, it is because Google is a giant technology company that has long been known to have a very strong security system. Of course, only highly skilled people who can do this senekad action. 

Inevitably, many people finally find out who the real MaDLeeTs. Google Indonesia because not only recorded once a victim of this MaDLeeTs. In October last year, Malaysia recorded the Google group has also been hijacked by this MaDLeeTs, so that every netizen who tried to access Google Malaysia, was immediately directed to their server with their version of the display interface. 

Methods nosy hacker group is often referred to Hijack DNS method. This method also attacked Google Indonesia yesterday. Its unique again, at the group's official Facebook page this MaDLeeTs, they revealed that the team is included in the group of hackers white hat hacker or team of hackers who do not exploit either the website with the purpose of damaging. Even this group admitted that they as a community Ethical and 1337 anti-hacker who came from Pakistan. 

MaDLeeTs official Facebook page is also included in the category of Education account, which is consistent with the description MaDLeeTs team that aims to give lessons to the netizens to be able to protect themselves and manage their website from the Black Hat hacker group attacks. 

Furthermore, MaDLeeTs group also stated that the group is not getting any help or support from other organizations, or in other words, the group is likely MaDLeeTs absence of relations with private organizations or government agencies plural performed by most modern hackers indeed in the lease or facilitated by the state. 

Based on information obtained from the pages of The Star, one of the members who used the pseudonym MaDLeeTs H4xOrL1f3 MaDLeeTs explained that the group has no hatred or have a certain motivation when attacking the target, as they once lakuakan to Google Google Malaysia and Indonesia. 

Despite the controversy that has been taken by this MaDLeeTs group. However, the hacker group should be recognized prowess as one of the teams with the ability of hackers hacking highly qualified. Quoted from page Engageek, pakistan origin Hacker groups tend to attack sites in the world, and Google is a company that often become their primary target.

Parisa Tabriz, The Hacker Section Protector Google

Did you know that as one of the largest technology companies in the world, it turns out Google has only 30 percent of female employees saja.Walaupun so, you are not mistaking, among the 30 percent of employees are women, there are a beautiful hacker whose name is well known to ability in the world of hacking, and now he's become a loyal patron of Google. 

Who is she? Beautiful girl who is now 31 years old named Parisa Tabriz, which is one of Google's security systems expert who now oversees more than 30 hackers white hat or white hat that works to maintain the security of Google. For leadership and contributions of this magnitude, Tabriz finally got his nickname as a Security Princess. 

During this time, Tabriz along with his team, has a primary duty as protectors of various software and network system made ​​by Google from malicious hacker attacks or attacks by cyber-crime that is increasingly troubling. And one of the most important tasks of Tabriz is, as a spearhead to protect Google Chrome and billions of users around the world. 

It is not an easy task. Interestingly, it is precisely the way the Tabriz protect Google Chrome adalaha, using hackingnya ability to attack what he should protect (Chrome). Although this sounds very strange, but the hacking of Google Chrome, the Tabriz will be able to find where the weaknesses of the system are owned chrome and will soon fix it before the vulnerability is discovered by other hackers are actually malicious. 

Thanks to the extraordinary achievements in the world of security systems, the hackers beautiful Iranian-Americans have also been named as 30 people under the age of thirty most influential in the world of technology, this award he received in 2012 ago with the CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. This award is issued by Forbes magazine to appreciate the greatness of the young Anka in the technology world. 

Datu uniqueness of Tabriz, as a hacker reliable, Tabriz it is admitted that he had never touched a computer until he went into the computer engineering department at the University of Illinois some time ago. It is indeed quite groundless, he reasoned that the parents of Tabriz who worked as a doctor known computer literate, so it is natural that he new to computers when the new college. 

Not just love the world of hackers who until recently become one of the area controlled by men, it turns Tabriz also be people who like other adrenaline activities, like rock climbing, snorkeling and other activities andrenalin spur. On the sidelines of his hacking activities, the Tabriz also known as one of the gelato makers are quite reliable.

Journey of Life Inventor Computer Mouse

Have you ever wondered who the real inventor of
the computer mouse? Although the shape of the tool is very simple but the function really helps us to direct the pointer on the computer or favorite laptop very easily. You do not need to bother moving the fingers to operate a computer, simply move and press the button then all the commands can be executed quickly.
Apparently, the inventor of the computer mouse is a man named Douglas Engelbart. Men born in Portland, Oregon on January 30, 1925 it has worked in the United States Army. There, young Engelbart worked as a radar technician in the Philippines.

Then, how the story until it can find a sophisticated tool called the mouse is used to this day? It began in 1967. He and his partner named Bill English filed a patent for a device.
The tool is not like the shape of the mouse that you now enjoy. Forms originally was in the form of a wooden box with two metal wheels underneath as a driver. After years of patent process, eventually the wooden tool to get a patent from the US government in 1970.
At the beginning of the discovery, a small object is not directly named after the now. Engelbart's own register of the names of his creation as the XY position indicator for a display system.

Then, long names are replaced with the mouse. inspiration of the name is because the wood has a cable box that is similar to a mouse. Actually, there is a tragic story behind this mouse.
Apparently Engelbart and English have never received a penny of royalties from these creations.

According to Engelbart, the company that holds the place it Work patent the product.
In fact, a few years later a tool called mouse is actually sold to Apple Computer just a price tag of US $ 40,000 only. During his life, the inventor of the computer mouse is known as a wise man.
Engelbart has always said that when he was working then the focus is on how to make the earth could be a better place again. According to him, someone who used intellect to the fullest will make the earth better.
He added that the computer is a tool that makes life in the world for the better. For that reason, Engelbart managed to find a device called a mouse. From the tool he was able to prove that its conduct human intellect to become better.
In this case, you as a user of a computer or laptop is able to perform commands more quickly and easily with the mouse. Unfortunately, in 2007, suffered from Alzheimer's disease and renal failure exacerbated by disease.
Finally, on July 2, 2013 Douglas Engelbart last breath. The invention is used up to now keep him alive.


Present By Chitika